Stephen R. Borneman, Ph.D Candidate



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Chapter 2 Solution Methodology


2.1    Introduction


In general, the vibration analysis of an engineering system requires: the idealization of the system into a form that can be analyzed, the formulation of the governing equilibrium equations of this idealized system, the solutions of the governing equations, and finally the interpretation of the results. Physical systems may be broadly classified into two categories: discrete systems or continuous systems. Based on laws of physics, an engineering problem is thus represented either by a discrete system, which is characterized by a set of algebraic equations involving a finite number of unknowns or degrees of freedom; or by a continuous system which is very often characterized by a set of partial differential equations with corresponding boundary conditions (Bathe, 1982; Hashemi, 2002).

     The exact solution of the differential equations and which satisfies all boundary conditions is only possible for relatively simple systems, and numerical procedures must in general be employed to predict the system response. These procedures, in essence, reduce the continuous system to a discrete idealization that can be analyzed in the same manner as a discrete physical system. The free vibration analysis of a discrete or continuous system leads to a so called Eigenvalue problem.


2.2    Free Vibration Analysis Based on Discrete Models: Linear Eigenproblems

Critical buckling and undamped free vibration problems are often solved using finite elements to obtain a discrete model with a finite number of degrees of freedom. In vibration problems, an alternative discrete model is often obtained by “lumping” distributed masses at convenient points. Further, these models usually yield linear eigenvalue problems Hashemi (2002) as:




which can be solved by many proven and secure mathematical methods. Here, K and M represent stiffness and mass matrices of the system, respectively, and K(w) is the so-called Dynamic Stiffness Matrix (DSM) of the system.  For a continuous system, the formulation generally leads to (Bathe (1982)):




where L1, L2, l1, and l2 are linear differential operators. In the free vibration analysis of structures, the basic idea is to solve the relevant eigenproblem leading to the eigenvalues, l, and eigenvectors, {U}, which represent the natural frequencies, w, and the modes of structures, respectively. The characteristics of this model depend on the analysis to be carried out, in essence, the actual continuous system is reduced to an appropriate discrete system where the element equilibrium, constitutive relations and element interconnectivity requirements are satisfied (this will be discussed in more details farther in this thesis).



2.3    Analytical Formulation Based on Continuous Models: Non-Linear Eigenproblems

A practical structure, assembled from elements possessing distributed mass, will have an infinite number of degrees of freedom and an infinite number of natural frequencies. The “Exact” member, or element, equations exist for structures including plane frames, space frames, grids, and many plate and shell problems. For plane frames, the member equations often incorporate the stability functions for buckling problems, and their dynamic equivalents for vibration problems (Wittrick and Williams (1983)). In this thesis, the focus is on the free undamped vibration problems. The exact member equations are then used to assemble the overall dynamic stiffness matrix, K(w), of the structure. The natural frequencies, in this case, will be obtainable from a non-linear eigensystem as in equation 2.1.

     The elements of the displacement vector U, to which K(w) corresponds, is the finite set of amplitudes of nodal point displacements, varying sinusoidally with time. The frequency dependent matrices [K(w)] resulting from the Dynamic Stiffness Matrix (DSM) method and Dynamic Finite Element (DFE) approach both lead to non-linear eigenvalue problems. The Finite Element Method (FEM) based on fixed interpolation functions leads to a linear eigenvalue problem. In the following sections, the solution methods for both linear and non-linear eigenproblems are briefly addressed. 


2.4    Fixed shape functions and Linear Eigenproblem solution

In the conventional FEM formulation, the basis functions of the approximation space are generally polynomial expressions. The basis functions are then used to construct the ‘Fixed’ interpolation functions (i.e. they only vary with element span-wise position x). The polynomial shape functions satisfy both completeness and inter-element continuity conditions. The solution of the natural frequencies pertaining to this technique is simple considering this is a linear eigenvalue problem (2.1).  For simple systems, setting the determinant to zero leads to a linear algebraic equation from which the natural frequencies can be easily extracted. For more complex systems, with large number of Degrees-Of-Freedom (DOF), one could solve the resulting classical linear eigenproblem using an inverse iteration, subspace or Lanczos method (Bathe ,1982). It is important to notice that due to the approximate nature of the conventional FEM, one could only solve for as many natural frequencies as the total DOF of the system.


2.5    Dynamic trigonometric shape functions and Non-Linear Eigenproblem solution

As it was stated in previous sections, the DSM and DFE formulations obtained from continuous models are different compared to the FEM considering the stiffness matrix is usually frequency dependent. One of the advantages of using a dynamic stiffness matrix is that natural frequencies are not missed. They lead to a non-linear eigenvalue problem as:




There are two possible sets of solutions pertaining to the above equation.





     Then, the method frequently used for determining the natural frequencies of the system is the Wittrick-Williams algorithm presented in different occasions by Wittrick and Williams (1971), Wittrick and Williams (1982), Wittrick and Williams (1983). The method is based on the sturm sequence properties of the frequency dependent stiffness matrix of the system and involves the input of a trial frequency. The number of natural frequencies exceeded by this trial frequency is then calculated as follows:




where J represents the total number of natural frequencies of the system exceeded by the trial frequency,  represents the total number of clamped-clamped  (C-C) natural frequencies of all elements exceeded by the trial frequency (i.e, ) and is calculated as




The term  is the sign count of KDSM, and is determined by counting the number of negative elements along the leading diagonal of the upper triangularized matrix.  This is accomplished after the is fully assembled. The upper triangular matrix is sensitive to pivotal operations, such that, during the gauss elimination procedure, the rows can be pivoted but not the columns. Then, from equation (2.6) the final number of natural frequencies exceeded by the trial frequency for the entire beam is calculated. Using a numerical method any natural frequency can be converged upon.  This research uses the bisection technique as the convergence method. The bisection method is a no fault method in determining the solution.

     There also exist combined methods to speed up the convergence of the solution. When the bisection method brings the upper and lower limits on the eigenvalues sufficiently close, a quicker numerical procedure can be implemented such as linear interpolation presented by Hoorpah, Henchi and Dhatt (1994), Newton’s method discussed by Hopper and Williams (1977), parabolic interpolation discussed by Simpson (1984), or inverse iteration method (refer to Williams and Kennedy, 1988; Hashemi, 1998).


2.6    Extracting the modes

     By implementing the Wittrick-William algorithm the resonant frequencies are established for the free vibration of a system. Difficulty arises from solving the equation for the modes of deformation due to the zero force vector residing on the right hand side:




where, F is the zero force vector corresponding to the free vibration of the structure.

At the resonant frequency, the dynamic stiffness matrix cannot be inverted due to the zero determinant. To obtain a non-trivial solution the frequency variable is manipulated so that the frequency dependent stiffness matrix is altered slightly. This perturbation must be small as to not deviate from the solution significantly.




where  is the altered frequency and i is any real number sufficiently large enough such that a small perturbation is created. This new frequency is then substituted into equation (2.8) leading to:




The force vector on the right side of equation (2.10) is also altered slightly.




where  is the altered force vector.Then the modes can be evaluated by manipulating equation (2.10) to:




     The order of perturbation of the frequency variable  and the force vector  depends on the numerical precision. Using double precision the 10th order perturbation is acceptable to accurately describe the modes of deformation (Hashemi, 1998).


2.7    Conclusion

The Wittrick-William technique plays an important part in determining the natural frequencies and modes of free vibration. This method is used for both, but not limited to the Dynamic Finite Element method and Dynamic Stiffness Matrix method where the use of a frequency dependent stiffness matrix leads to a non-linear eigenvalue problem. The technique can equally be used as a solver for the FEM (Roach and Hashemi, 2003). This method is particularly advantageous with the capability of solving any range of frequencies.